Pet Turtles And Turtle Care

Found on last vacation - 11 turtles! Eight of which we brought home with us. The problem was now what were going to do with them?

My dad had the great idea of building a turtle pen.

At first they crawled all around the edges, trying to find a way out. They even climbed straight up the side of the fence but when they got to the top they couldn't get over the board that went all the away around the top of the fence so they dropped back down.

We put a big pile of straw in the middle of the pen. They like to cawl under and stick their head out.

We put water in a large jar lid for their drinking water.

For the food we have tin plate in the pen that we put fruit and vegetable scrap on. 
We catch beetles earth worms and other creepy crawlies to dump in the pen.

We also put a dusk to dawn florescent light in the pen to attract insects for them to eat.


Sean and Lisa said…
Oh my word! My girl would love it at your house! She LOVES LOVES LOVES turtles! :)
What a great idea! We only have one turtle right now and he lives with our chicks and bunnies but I'll bet he'd much rather have a home like this. :)

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