Early Stage Lymes Disease Symptoms/Treatment

Lymes disease the dreaded diagnosis.

 It started with a stiff neck and fever that we thought was a virus that had hit most of us in our household. Although we didn't all have fever with the virus a couple of the children did. Unlike the rest of us, hers 9my 10 year old daughter) continued to drag out. She'd start to feel better and the fever would leave and then she'd get an ache somewhere else on her body and the fever would come back. This went on from Friday - Mon. Tuesday morning she got up and was feeling good. Her appetite was back, she wasn't hurting, the fever was gone. I thought we'd beat the  "virus".  Wednesday she woke up sore again and her appetite was gone. Then I thought about her her fluid intake over the past few days and realized she had been drinking very little. So  thinking she was dehydrated I started pushing the fluids. Wed. evening (thanks to my moms keen eyes) we discovered she had this ring on her neck behind her ear ( part of it is smeared with calamine lotion because of the itching). Then I knew what was going on. 

Thursday morning I made a doctors appointment. By the time we got to the Dr. she had a second red blotch on her shoulder indicating the beginnings of the second stage of lymes disease.

Fortunately we caught it in time to prevent any long term effect. It's being treated with Doxycycline Hyclate (a perscription) 2x's a day for the next 21 days and tylenol for pain as needed.
  She's had bad headaches,a lot of pain in her neck and lost weight from her lack of appetite due to her stomach feeling "funny and rumbly". But now I know what to watch for in the future and I know, caught early it's easily treatable.


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